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23. Southern Arizona Baptist District Association

1.Tucson, Arizona Black /African-American Community

Southern Arizona Missionary Baptist District Association
                         P. O. Box 18815  

               Tucson, Arizona 85731-8815


Pastor Marlon Harmon
Vice Moderator

Reverend Steven Black
District Missionary

Sister Denise Maryland
Recording Secretary

Sister Denise Maryland
Correspondence Secretary

Sister Mildred Ellis

Sister Earlene Y. Sparks
Memorial Chairperson

Brother Carl Hawkins
Minister of Music

Reverend Elwood McDowell
Minister's Conference President

Deacon Shon Neal
Laymen's President

Sister Marylene Carr
Women's President

Sister Jordan
Youth and Children Director

Elder Antonio Korengay
Young Adults

Sister P. J. Dean
Usher President

Reverend Terry Dodd
Congress President

Calendar of Events

The Southern District Association will be hosting the Baptist Women's World Day of Prayer on Sunday, November 4, 2012 at Grace Temple MBC located at 1019 E. 31st Street Tucson, AZ 85713. The event will start at 5:00 pm.
Please come out as we get In Step with the Spirit of Joy.
I pray we will be able to lift each other up and praise the Lord.
I will be calling all Women Ministry Leaders, who has submitted a phone number. If you have something on your heart to pray for, or say, or if you have questions, as to what the World Day of Prayer is about, please do not hesitate to call me, 520-388-5094 or 520-777-8376.
Thank you in advance for your participation and your support.
Yours in Christ,
Sister Marylene Carr
SDA Women's President

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Tucson, AZ Black/AAC 
1201 E. Michigan St.
 Tucson,Arizona 85714